Special publications
Parallel with the journal Subterranean Biology ISSB occasionally publishes special volumes linked to speleobiology and subterranean systems.
Graham S. Proudlove – 2006 – Subterranean Fishes of the World. An account of the subterranean (hypogean) fishes described up to 2003 with a bibliography 1541-2004. Illustrated by Rhian Hicks. International Society for Subterranean Biology, Moulis, France, 300 pp. ISBN10 2-9527084-0-1, ISBN13 978-2-9527084-0-1, EAN 9782952708401
Alain BERTRAND, 1991. Mémoires de Biospéologie, N° Hors-Série. Mars 1991. Les Chauve-Souris d’Ariège. Les connaître, les protéger. 40 pp.
René GINET & Jean-Marc THIBAUD, 1982. Mémoires de Biospéologie, Tome IX (Supplément). Répertoire des membres de la Société de Biospéologie et de leurs activités scientifiques. Office de détermination systématique. 104 pp.
Bulletin de Liaison de la Société Internationale de Biospéologie – International Society for Subterranean Biology – Bull. Soc. Biospéol.
From 1981 to 2002, 29 issues of the Bulletin de Liaison were published. See all isues.
SIBIOS-ISSB Newsletter
A Sibios Newsletter existed since 2001 to 2010. It was electronic publication (.doc, .rtf or .pdf documents) distributed by e-mail or surface mail to the members of the Society.