Subterranean Biology journal
Subterranean Biology is an international journal published on behalf of the International Society for Subterranean Biology (SIBIOS-ISSB) by Pensoft.
Subterranean Biology publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research across fundamental and applied sciences on all aspects of subterranean life and promotes the conservation of subterranean biota.
The Editor-in-Chief, Oana Teodora Moldovan from the “Emil Racovitza” Institute of Speleology in Romania, is supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers. This open-access journal is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics and the public worldwide. Articles are peer-reviewed according to the journal review guidelines, which evaluate manuscripts on objective editorial criteria. Through its open-access publishing and research networking, Subterranean Biology aims at providing readers with multidisciplinary insights into our subterranean world, and how this might best be managed for present and future conservation. Since 2016 the journal publishes 4 issues each year with more than 200 pages presenting new researches, communications or reports.
The link to official journal site is here:
Editorial Board:
Oana Moldovan (Editor in Chief)
Xavier Belles
Maria Elina Bichuette
Achille Casale
Marina Cobolli
Nicole Coineau
David Culver
Louis Deharveng
Claudio Di Russo
Cene Fišer
Christian Griebler
Hans Jurgen Hahn
Stuart Halse
William Frank Humphreys
Thomas Illife
Valerio Ketmaier
Lubomír Kovác
Leonardo Latella
Giuseppe Messana
Jos Notenboom
Tone Novak
Pedro Oromí
Eric Roncin
Boris Sket
Eleonora Trajano
Peter Trontelj
Horst Wilkens