Société Internationale de Biospéologie [SIBIOS] –
International Society for Subterranean Biology [ISSB]
Edition 2016 including the changes adopted by the General Assembly held in 2001 at Intervales (SP, Brazil), by the General Assembly held in 2002 at Verona (Italy), the General Assembly held in 2006 at Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the General Assembly held in 2008 at Fremantle (Australia), the General Assembly held in 2016 at Fayetteville (USA) and the General Assembly held in 2018 at Aveiro (Portugal).
Article 1 – Foundation
It is created between members adhering to the present Statute a society ruled by the law of 1st July 1901 and the statutory order of 16 August 1901 of the French Republic, and entitled: Société Internationale de Biospéologie-International Society for Subterranean Biology. Its duration is unlimited.
Article 2 – Aims
Société Internationale de Biospéologie – International Society for Subterranean Biology [SIBIOS-ISSB] aims:
* to promote studies in Subterranean Biology and Ecology in the broad sense,
* to initiate and organise meetings and workshops between researchers of different topics related to Subterranean Biology,
* to publish proceedings of symposia, the journal Subterranean Biology, books, reports and web contents at the official webpage and social networks,
* to work for the protection of species and conservation of subterranean habitats, by making proposals to administrative authorities in charge of the protection of natural heritage,
* to work in the field of information and education on subterranean systems,
* to support and manage projects in its field of activity and competence.
Article 3 – Registered office
The registered office of the Society is the “Mairie de Moulis”, Ariège (France).
Article 4 – Membership
To become a member of the Society, it is necessary to send a request to the Council of the Society.
Article 5 – Members
The Society is composed of (1) regular members, which are researchers in Subterranean Biology and associated field, (2) student members, and (3) honorary members.
Article 6 – Resignation, striking off
A member might be resigned due to lack of payment of the membership fee or for ethical reasons, the decision is pronounced by the Council. Membership is resigned if fees have not been paid for the last 3 years. Membership is renewed as soon as payment is received. Before striking off, the member is informed and will be heard by the Council upon request.
Article 7 – The Council
The Society is conducted by the Council whose number is established with a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 members.
The council members are chosen among the active members of the Society. They are elected for a period of two years by the General Assembly by a secret vote. These members may be re-elected for three times at maximum, becoming re-eligible after a vacancy period of 4 years.
In the case of vacancy, the council will be completed at the next General Assembly.
Article 8 – The members and the functioning of the Council
The Council elects a board comprising a President, two Vice-Presidents and a General Secretary.
The Board is elected for 2 years, and its members may be re-elected during their mandates.
The Council appoints, independently of any mandate in the Council, the Treasurer of the Society. The Treasurer is appointed for 2 years, and this position can be renewed every 2 years without any limitation in time. The appointment can be revoked, after discussion in a General Assembly, upon request of at least two-thirds of the members of the Council.
The Council may request one or several members of the Society for consulting assistance regarding specific issues who will report to the Council at any request.
The Council may assign a technical job or the conduct of some activity to active members of the Society, who must report the results to the Council.
The Council meets at least once in two years, after convocation by the President or the General Secretary (or by request of half of its members). Decisions are validated by simple majority of votes from at least of half of the Council members; e-mail and videoconference votes are also accepted. The President has the casting vote.
By decision of the Board signed by the President and the General Secretary, the council members may be consulted and vote by correspondence (per rollam).
The Council meetings will be recorded by the secretary(ies) in a written minute signed by the President and the General Secretary, or a member of the council replacing the latter in the case of absence. The minutes are sent to the ‘sous-préfecture de Saint-Girons’, Ariège (France).
Article 9 – Activities
The Society activities include meetings, symposia, publications, awards, support to young researchers, reports, support to projects related to Subterranean Biology.
Article 10 – Resources
The basic part of the Society resources (budget) come from annual membership fees of the active members. Other resources (sponsorship etc.) are not excluded.
Article 11 – General Assembly
The General Assembly is held at least once every two years, during the International Conference on Subterranean Biology. The General Assembly comprises all Society members with at least one-year membership and in good standing with their dues.
One month in advance, the General Assembly is summoned by the General Secretary. The assembly convocation comprises the agenda, and only the included topics there included may be voted. Any issue to be included in the agenda must be submitted to the Council previously to its divulgation.
The Board of the General Assembly is the same as of the Council.
The moral, the financial and the activity reports are delivered to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly checks the financial balance of the reported period and votes an agreement to the Treasurer.
There is a vote on the budget planned for the next period and a discussion on questions listed in the agenda.
After exhausting the agenda, the General Assembly proceeds, by secret vote, to the renewal of the Council. New and re-eligible candidates must receive at least a third of the votes to be elected.
The ordinary General Assembly is valid if at least a quarter of the members are present or formally represented. This is the valid quorum.
In case the quorum is not obtained, the President may summon an Extraordinary General Assembly. This Assembly does not need a quorum to be validly held.
Each member may have three powers maximum for votes.
The report is sent to all the members of the Society by electronic mail.
Article 12
The expenses are authorized by the President and the Treasurer.
The Society is legally represented by the President, the General Secretary and, in the case of vacancy, by any member of the Board designated by the Council.
Official representatives of the Society must be in good statement towards the civil law.
Article 13
The General Secretary will notify the ‘sous-préfecture de Saint-Girons’ where the registered office of the Society is located any administrative changes or modifications in the statutes.
The changes are reported in documents signed by representatives in charge of the Society and archived by the Secretary.
Any document of the Society can be presented to the authorities at any request.
Article 14
The Statute may be modified by the vote of 2/3 of the active members present at the General Assembly, or of all members in case of a voting by correspondence.
Article 15 – Dissolution
The dissolution of the Society may only be decided by a General Assembly specially summoned for this purpose; a minimum quorum of 2/3 of the members is required, and the dissolution will be decided by a majority of 3/4 of the votes of members present or represented.
The General Assembly appoints one or several people in charge of the distribution of the credit, goods and properties of the Society, in accordance with the law.
The dissolution must be officially reported to the Registered Office of the Society at the ‘sous-préfecture de Saint-Girons’, Ariège, France.
17 June 2016, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Ľubomír Kováč Sanja Gottstein
President General Secretary